5 Graduation Goodies To Grab for Your Graduate

As graduation season nears, some families are still social distancing - or at the least, significantly decreasing their graduate's party size to align with all the venue restrictions or state and local government recommendations.

Parents and students alike find it frustrating - for yet another year - to commemorate this enormous milestone in creative ways while buffering the feelings of loss over traditions we've come to grow and love.

Here are a few ideas to ease the burden of discovering graduation goodies that honor the accomplishments and resiliency of your student and the overall celebratory rite of passage that his or her graduation marks. 

#1. A Custom College Themed Cake

Whether your graduate is headed off to the college of their dreams or graduating from it, a custom college-themed cake with their favorite college logo, team sport, or even the mascot is always a great centerpiece for any party table!

#2. A “Nod to High School” Themed Cake

Maybe your high school senior wants to look back before they start looking ahead. Because let’s face it, high school is no cakewalk (heh heh). 

Many seniors spend their high school years deeply involved in academic and social clubs and extracurricular sports, dance, music, or theater. Graduation should be a celebration of those four years, and a walk down memory lane with a custom high school-themed cake is an iconic way to pay homage to those special teachers, coaches, directors, and fellow students who helped your specific senior excel. 

#3. Classic Graduation Cap Cake Pops

 Not having a big gathering, but want a sweet and simple gift to hand out to friends and family after the graduation or take to a restaurant for dessert? Grad Cake Pops are the smart pick!

 You can customize the cap with your graduate’s name or year, and you can order them by the dozen, boxed up and ready to travel.

 #4. “Congrats” Graduation Cookies

 Another quick pick is our classic shortbread Graduation Cookies in the shape of caps, diplomas, and a “Congrats” message for the graduate. Like the cake pops, they travel well and are great for any grad party on the go. (They ship well too!)

 Plus, you can personalize your box with the name of your smart cookie right on the cap!

 #5. A Young Graduate Cake 

Our littles need to be celebrated too! Moving from PreK to K is a big deal after all!

A primary-themed Young Graduate Cake is perfect. Decorated with a pint-size graduation cap, crayons, books and colored pencils, it just screams, “I’m a big kid now!”

Regardless of How You Celebrate, Just Be Certain That You Do Celebrate

Pre-K, High school, and college are challenging, stressful, and demanding in their own ways. Setting aside a day to pause and recognize this particular rite of passage makes it real and signifies it was worthy of the work put into it. 

It’s the time where you express your pride in your kids for a job well done and a time for them to revel in their success for having made it through.

And naturally, we think graduation goodies play a significant role in bringing it all together, but we’ll let you be the judge of that. 🎓🍪